Link users to QuickBooks Employees

To add your employees to MinuteDock, go to the Account tab and hit the “Invite User” button on the top of the page. You can then enter their name & email address, and MinuteDock will send them a link to activate their account.

Once they’ve set up their login, make sure you’re MinuteDock users are matched to the appropriate QuickBooks employee. MinuteDock won’t send time for a user unless it’s linked to a QuickBooks Employee. You can assign the Employee for each user by hitting the “Manage” button next to their name on the Account tab.

Choose the correct QuickBooks employee from the menu. MinuteDock will do its best to match this automatically, but it’s best to double check it’s set up properly.

Depending on how you’ve set up your QuickBooks and reporting needs, you can customise the Class and Service/Item that is assigned to time from this employee by default. Note that this can be overridden by the Contact, Project or Task settings for Class or Service/Item, allowing you great flexibility in how the time activities are categorised in QuickBooks.

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