Setting up billing rates


This guide provides instructions on setting billing rates in MinuteDock, including how to customize rates for contacts, projects, tasks, and users.

Setting Billing Rates

Setting Billing Rates for Contacts

Customize the billing rate for each of your contacts to override default user rates on a per-client basis.

  1. Access Contacts: Navigate to the Contacts tab and find or add the contact.
  2. Edit Contact Settings: Hover over the relevant contact, click on wrench icon to open settings.
  3. Enable Billing: Check the Billable option. (Note: Contacts must be billable to be invoiced.)
  4. Specify Rate: Choose Specify a Contact rate from the dropdown and enter the hourly rate.
  5. Default Rate Option: Alternatively, select Use User’s default rate to apply the user’s configured rate.
  6. Select Currency: Choose the currency for billing the contact

Setting Billing Rates for Projects

Customize billing rates for projects to handle different client rates per job.

  1. Access Projects: Navigate to the Projects tab and find or add the project.
  2. Edit Project Settings: Hover over the relevant project, click on wrench icon to open settings.
  3. Enable Billing: Check the Billable option. (Note: Projects must be billable to be invoiced.)
  4. Specify Rate: Choose Specify a Project rate from the dropdown and enter the hourly rate.
  5. Default Rate Option: Alternatively, select Use Contact’s default rate to apply the contact’s billing settings.

Setting Billing Rates for Tasks

Assign a specific rate for each task, which overrides contact, user, and project rates.

  1. Access Tasks: Click the Projects tab, then the Tasks sub-tab, and find or add the task.
  2. Edit Task Settings: Hover over the relevant task, click the wrench icon to open settings.
  3. Enable Billing: Check the Billable option. (Note: Tasks must be billable to be invoiced.)
  4. Specify Rate: Choose Specify a Task rate from the dropdown and enter the hourly rate.
  5. Default Rate Option: Alternatively, select Use Project or Contact’s default rate to apply the billing settings of the assigned project/contact.

Note: Task rates will override project or contact rates for a time entry.

Setting Billing Rates for Users

Configure default user rates or specify rates for contacts, projects, or tasks.

  1. Access Account Settings: Click 'Account' link at top right of page, then view 'Team'
  2. Manage User Settings: Click Manage next to the user’s name to edit their settings.
  3. Set Hourly Rate: In the hourly rate section, click Manually set and enter the user’s rate.
  4. Default Rate: This will be the default rate unless overridden by specific contact, project, or task rates.

User-Specific Rates:

  1. Set User’s Rate: When configuring a contact, project, or task settings, click 'set a user’s rate' under the 'billable' section
  2. Select User: Choose the user from the dropdown menu.
  3. Enter Rate: Input the hourly rate for the user.

You can add multiple user rates, and the system will prioritize user-specific rates over project, task, or contact rates.

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