Creating a New Time Entry

You can add a new time entry to your timesheet without using the main timer.

Go to your Time tab and find the heading for the day you want to add a new time entry to.

Hovering over the heading for that day will make the 'New+' button appear. Click this to create a blank time entry under that date.

You can click into the time entry to edit it - add time, assign contact/project/task labels, and take any notes for the time entry. When done, click the tick on the right-hand side to save your changes.

Backdate a Time Entry 

To backdate a time entry, just type a date in brackets in the dock. You can format it like (yesterday), (last Friday), (July 4) or (DD/MM/YY).

If you’ve already logged the entry, you can simply click the entry to edit it and change the date using the calendar.

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